latest changes in FC2 final?

Josep Puigdemont josep at
Mon May 3 15:30:34 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 16:56, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 04:53:38PM +0200, Josep Puigdemont wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I'm just wondering if the changes we do now in our translated files will
> > make it to the final release. If so, when would the last date for
> > committing those changes be?
> The freeze dates for translations are on the fedora.redhat.comn schedule
> page. You might as well submit changes anyway because they will either
> make it or not. And if not they will be there for errata or next release 8)

Then I guess that any change done prior to the devel freeze have little
or no chance to be in the final release of FC2... 

Is it because only those packages that have had critical fugfixes will
be rebuilt for FC2 final release? In that case I can understand it, but
otherwise, I believe that it is not that difficult to grab the latests
po files and include them in the RPM building process...


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