Translations are incomplete

Bernd Groh bgroh at
Wed Sep 29 22:00:14 UTC 2004

Hi Keld,

>I also have problems like that, or I have committed changes for 3 files 
>yesterday, but the changes do not show up in the stats, and I get email
>that I have not committed anything and the files will be released. 
>I reported it to red Hat, and they say that it is fixed, but then it
>happened again yesterday. When I committed to the cvs it reported
>everything fine and dandy.

Our apologies, it seems we have messed up some things with the switch 
from redhat-config-* to system-config-*.

>Another problem I have is that I have an error that I would like to
>correct in a fully translated file, but there is no way to take it, and
>I cannot committ, I dont have the privileges.

If the file is fully translated, and you are a registered translator for 
that locale, you do have cvs access for this file, as such, you do have 
the privileges. We chose to do it this way for the first release, since 
the probability of concurrent commits is relatively low. The status 
pages were mainly implemented to address this very problem.

>I do have my reservations about the new translation system. I can see
>that it can prevent some double translation, but in my experience that
>is a very minor problem, and the extra burden on translators, to go
>to a web interface and take/check out files individually, and the errors
>that are likely to happen, like the ones I described above, and possibly
>others may well overweight the bonus of avoiding double translations.

I believe this is directly related to the size of a translation team. If 
you've primarily worked in smaller translation teams, then I do agree 
with your sentiment. I do have my reservations about the new system too. 
I've once suggested on this very list that we could build an exclude 
list, and allow smaller teams (or teams with such preference) to be 
excluded from the process, as such, every translator of that locale 
would be able to commit at any time, just as it was before the new 
system was implemented. I'm happy to put it up for discussion again, 
since there wasn't much feedback to this suggestion. One thing I have to 
say though, while I do have my reservations about the new system, I, 
personally, do very much prefer it over the system that was in place 

Best Regards,

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