Self-Introduction: Stephan Schiffleithner

Stephan Schiffleithner stephan.schiffleithner at
Sun Dec 6 18:41:53 UTC 2009

Name: Stephan Schiffleithner
Year of Birth: 1984
Inhabitation: Tulln, Austria, Europe
Login: roedel, En-De
Job: student (economics)
I'm writing my diploma-thesis on early economic theory at the Vienna
University of Economics and Business.
I'd like to contribute Fedora Project in the Localization Project.
My first contact to open-source software was in 2001 when I was
searching for a replacement of the old Netscape-Browser. I switched to
(Gentoo) Linux in 2002 and later did some translation work for Ubuntu. 
I'm not a programmer and I do not run public servers. I just like open
source and Fedora is the System that keeps my Desktop up and running.
I'd like to contribute and I think the Localization Project is the best
way to do this. 

My GPG-ID (3D0C68A8): 

[roedel at roedel-laptop ~]$ gpg --fingerprint 3D0C68A8
pub   1024D/3D0C68A8 2009-10-24 [verfällt: 2012-10-24]
  Schl.-Fingerabdruck = 4DC4 DB7D F055 9437 642A  0819 3DB2 44FC 3D0C 68A8
uid                  Stephan Schiffleithner <stephan.schiffleithner at>
uid                  [jpeg image of size 8064]
uid                  Stephan Schiffleithner <h0451044 at>
sub   2048g/B0990FFF 2009-10-24 [verfällt: 2012-10-24]
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