FLSCo and elections post-release

Noriko Mizumoto noriko at redhat.com
Fri Dec 11 00:32:16 UTC 2009

Runa Bhattacharjee さんは書きました:
> Dimitris Glezos wrote:
>> The current FLSCo team has been on board for quite a while now. The
>> topic of elections has been raised in the past, but not many
>> nominations have been posted. So the question is:
>> Do we want to have an election for FLSCo after this release?
>> One idea is to open up the nomination process, and if more than eg. 6
>> people get nominated, then we could elect a 5-person FLSCo team.
> I was wondering that it may be a good idea to go ahead and have an 
> election.
> Thoughts?
Sorry was not responding earlier. +1

> regards
> Runa

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