"About This Computer" and GDM strings

Domingo Becker domingobecker at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 11:45:54 UTC 2009

2009/2/26 Igor Pires Soares <igorsoares at gmail.com>:
> Hello L10n folks!
> String freeze is coming and I'd like to have some strings translated.
> However, I'm facing problems with two specific modules.
> There is a "About This Computer" string in Fedora's gnome menu that is
> not actually from gnome-system-monitor, gnome-menus or redhat-menus.
> This a Fedora customization. There is a wiki page where this string was
> translated [1].

I remember I have translated it for Fedora 6 but I don't remember
where the string is.
My translation, the current translation in Fedora 10 System menu, is
not the same as the one in the wiki page [1].

> I guess
> other languages also need to translate/update this string, but IMHO this
> is not a good way to do this and I am not sure what component should I
> file a bug against.

When I see something untranslated, or a translation that bothers me, I
translate the module and submit it in transifex. Then, in the next two
weeks or less, a package update comes in the update system.
I feel comfortable with this method, because there's no need to file a bug.

> The other issue is about GDM. Probably due to downstream customizations
> in Fedora and gdm rewrite, some strings are in English even if the
> upstream is a 100% translated. The "Password" string is one example.
> There is a bug filed for this [1] but it is almost one year old. I would
> like to know if this is still only happening with pt_BR or other
> languages too. This happened in F10 and is happening again in Rawhide
> for us.

It happens in Spanish too.
It would be nice to have that string translated.

> [1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/WillWoods/AboutThisComputer
> [2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=441796


Domingo Becker (es)

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