Transifex migration

Diego Búrigo Zacarão diegobz at
Fri Dec 31 00:14:05 UTC 2010

Hello all,

Yes, I'm not dead (yet). Just being a bit away. :)

Well... Finally, thanks to the hard work of Domingos Becker, we've got
Transifex 0.9.1
packaged and an instance of it running at with
some data from the production instance. Yeahh!! Submissions are not working,
but you
already can see what's different from 0.7.x.

Now we enter the last phase of the process, I believe.

I would like to encourage everyone willing to give feedback here to have a
look on what's
been implemented in 0.8.x[1] and 0.9.x[2] versions, so you can understand
some aspects
that will have to change from our current experience with Transifex 0.7.x.

The main major changes are:

* No more Collections. Now you can have releases in projects.
* Project Teams support.

I will not explain how things are working now. I'm assuming you know enough
here. :)
So my suggestion for the new structure based on Transifex 0.9.x is the

Create a main project called 'Fedora' and create all the necessary team in
Outsource the access control of all the other projects (anaconda,
docs-*, etc..) to the main 'Fedora' project. This way the other projects
will be using
the teams of the main project as a unique and centralized place.

The association of people with the correct team can be done manually.
of us can request access to a 'Fedora' project team related to its language.

The releases are going to be mounted under the main 'Fedora' project. You
can have a
idea on how things will work looking at the XFCE[3] instance that even have
customizations on the templates.

That's the easiest way I could thought to manage the new workflow without
much pain, if any.




I'm going to be away for the next days, so happy new year to everyone and
lets start
2011 with the right leg (as we say here in Brazil). :)


Diego Búrigo Zacarão
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