Self-Introduction: Andrea La Fauci

Andrea La Fauci andrea.lafauci at
Sat Feb 27 20:19:11 UTC 2010

Name: Andrea La Fauci
Location: Rome, Italy
Login: andrealafauci
Job: Linux System Administrator
I'm working for a big italian bank, administering their linux servers.
Experiences: PHP programming , RHCS, Nagios, Cacti and other monitoring
I met linux in 1992 with my old 80286.
I'd like to contribute Fedora Project in translation to italian language
and in a near (I hope) future also with package deployment.

[teddyalf at teddyalf-dsk ~]$ gpg --fingerprint CAA7162F
pub   2048R/CAA7162F 2010-02-27
Key fingerprint = B429 8BDC EB3A 61E8 8597  0705 F9F8 06E6 CAA7 162F
uid   Andrea La Fauci <andrea.lafauci at>
sub   2048R/810264D4 2010-02-27

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