New Transifex: TM, QA controls, .desktop, Private projects

Dimitris Glezos glezos at
Fri Sep 9 10:33:53 UTC 2011

Hi all!

A quick announcement that we've done a major upgrade on, which
brings a few exciting features for Fedora's developers and translators,
including a brand-new theme. Some of these were advocated by the Fedora
community itself, so thank you for your feedback!

Here are the most interesting features introduced:

 - Quality control tools for developers
 - New file formats incl. .desktop & XLIFF
 - Translation Memory & Spell-checking
 - Brand new look-n-feel!
 - Translation of private & proprietary projects

## QA features for developers:

- **Pseudo files**: Developers can download special auto-generated files to
  test their project's internationalization support before translations. This
  will help catch strigs which were not marked for translation or spot ones
  which will render badly in certain locales (too tall, wrap around).

- **Live developer comments**: Give translation instructions on specific
  strings straight from the web editor.

## QA features for translators:

- **Transation memory**: Transifex now stores your project's past translations
  in a Translation Memory and offers them in the web editor when a similar
  string appears. This greatly helps translators save time and increases the
  quality and consistency of your translations.

- **Integrated spell-checker**: The Web Editor now warns on simple and common
  language mistakes when translating.

## New file formats: .desktop, XLIFF, etc

Developers can now submit .desktop files for translation in Transifex.
Translators will work with them just like with any other file, watch them for
changes, translate online & offline etc.

Read more information about the changes and background info on our dedicated
blog post and our help pages.

Hope you like these new features & use them to improve our translations. =)


Dimitris Glezos

Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution --

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