Self Introduction Jefferson Mendes pt-br

Jeff Mendes mendesjefferson at
Tue Sep 27 21:20:30 UTC 2011

*Name:* Jefferson Silva Mendes
*Location:* Busseto (PR), Italy
*Login(FAS):* technojeff
*Language: *English to Portuguese - Brazilian (pt-br)
*Profession or Student status:* IT - Help Desk
*About You:* Hello to everyone, I'm Jefferson (jeff) a brazilian guy 
that lives in Italy. I work in an important italian fashion company as 
Help Desker. Alwasy had passion for tecnology in general. I'm a linux 
"user" for more than 10 years and I'll really like to start giving 
something for this community that already gave me a lot. I'm part of 
another open source project (PHP-Fusion CMS) as an Administrator and 
translator. I really love the Open Source world, try to introduce 
something at work, but it's really hard.

*You and the Fedora Project:* I have to be honest, I'm new to Fedora. 
using Fedora 15 as my only OS in my computer for like 3 months now, and 
I really like all this. Off course I've used a lot of other distros, but 
don't know why never tried Fedora before, have to thanks gnome3 for 
that. For start I would like to contribute as translator, but in future 
who knows what can happen.
GPG Key*
GPG KEYID: pub  2048R/E8492CC4 2011-09-02
Fingerprint=5561 D530 FBC7 F8DE BB43  8976 3760 F568 E849 2CC4
uid: jefferson silva mendes (technojeff) <mendesjefferson at>

This is all I think, thanks. Best Regards,

Jeff Mendes
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