This is an automatically generated report to accompany the nightly build of Fedora's release-notes. The report currently features languages that fail to build and provides the publican traceback from the build attempt. The tracebacks below are not comprehensive. Since publican stops building at the *first* error it finds, translators of languages with build issues can help by verifying the build locally: $ git clone $ git checkout --track -b f18 origin/f18 $ tx pull -l your-tx-lang-code $ publican build -f=html -l your-publican-lang-code The Docs team is happy to help with markup or any other issues, just ask! Send a message to or drop into #fedora-docs. ----- Build report from Start Thu Dec 6 08:53:50 MST 2012 ----- ----- es-ES build traceback: ADVERTENCIA: No se encuentran cadenas en el archivo PO. Considere la opción de actualizar tanto sus archivos PO como sus archivos POT. "Aprender información básica sobre GNOME Shell"  Sistema de Notificación Mejorado: GNOME 3.0 incluye un nuevo modo para que las aplicaciones envíen notificaciones a los usuarios, llamado Message Tray. GNOME 3.6 mejora Message Tray para ayudar a los usuarios a pernamecer enfocado y saber si las notificaciones son urgentes. Para más información, vea documentación GNOME. ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================^ at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/ line 187 ----- hi-IN build traceback:  Merging hi-IN/Feedback.po >> en-US/Feedback.xml -> tmp/hi-IN/xml_tmp//Feedback.xml WARNING: Un-translated message in PO file. "To provide feedback on Fedora software or other system elements, please refer to Bugs And Feature Requests. A list of commonly reported bugs and known issues for this release is available from Common F&PRODVER; bugs, on the wiki."  यदि आपका फेडोरा खाता है, तो आप सीधे डॉक्स बीट्स की विकीका पृष्ठका सामग्री संपादन कर सकते हैं। =====================================================================================================================================================================^ at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/ line 187 ----- pt-PT build traceback: Processing file tmp/pt-PT/xml_tmp/Welcome.xml -> tmp/pt-PT/xml/Welcome.xml Processing file tmp/pt-PT/xml_tmp/Xorg.xml -> tmp/pt-PT/xml/Xorg.xml Beginning work on pt-PT Validation failed:  LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "pt-PT" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). Kernel.xml:8: validity error : Element indexterm content does not follow the DTD, expecting (primary? , ((secondary , ((tertiary , (see | seealso+)?) | see | seealso+)?) | see | seealso+)?), got (filename ) Thanks for your work, Pete Travis - a random Fedora Docs contributor