This is an automatically generated report to accompany the nightly build of Fedora's release-notes. The report currently features languages that fail to build and provides the publican traceback from the build attempt. The tracebacks below are not comprehensive. Since publican stops building at the *first* error it finds, translators of languages with build issues can help by verifying the build locally: $ git clone $ git checkout --track -b f18 origin/f18 $ tx pull -l your-tx-lang-code $ publican build -f=html -l your-publican-lang-code The Docs team is happy to help with markup or any other issues, just ask! Send a message to or drop into #fedora-docs. ----- Build report from Start Sat Dec 8 00:16:11 MST 2012 ----- ----- es-ES build traceback: ADVERTENCIA: No se encuentran cadenas en el archivo PO. Considere la opción de actualizar tanto sus archivos PO como sus archivos POT. "Proyecto KDE"  ahora tiene uno!). KGildrunner tiene nuevos niveles (una contribución de Gabriel Miltschitzky) y KPatience mantiene un histórico de juegos después de guardar. KSudoku> ha visto pequeñas mejoras como mejores sugerencias, así como siete nuevas formas de puzle bidimensional y tres nuevas formas 3-D. ===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================^ at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/ line 187 ----- hi-IN build traceback:  Merging hi-IN/Feedback.po >> en-US/Feedback.xml -> tmp/hi-IN/xml_tmp//Feedback.xml WARNING: Un-translated message in PO file. "To provide feedback on Fedora software or other system elements, please refer to Bugs And Feature Requests. A list of commonly reported bugs and known issues for this release is available from Common F&PRODVER; bugs, on the wiki."  यदि आपका फेडोरा खाता है, तो आप सीधे डॉक्स बीट्स की विकीका पृष्ठका सामग्री संपादन कर सकते हैं। =====================================================================================================================================================================^ at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/XML/ line 187 ----- pt-PT build traceback: Processing file tmp/pt-PT/xml_tmp/Welcome.xml -> tmp/pt-PT/xml/Welcome.xml Processing file tmp/pt-PT/xml_tmp/Xorg.xml -> tmp/pt-PT/xml/Xorg.xml Beginning work on pt-PT Validation failed:  LC_ALL = (unset), LANG = "pt-PT" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). Kernel.xml:8: validity error : Element indexterm content does not follow the DTD, expecting (primary? , ((secondary , ((tertiary , (see | seealso+)?) | see | seealso+)?) | see | seealso+)?), got (filename ) Thanks for your work, Pete Travis - a random Fedora Docs contributor