yum update - no Openoffice 1.1

John Hearns john.hearns at clustervision.com
Tue Nov 4 09:10:48 UTC 2003

I updated a RH9 system using yum to fedora.
Update seemed to go well - now running 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl kernel.

I note that Openoffice didn't upgrade to 1.1, even though the RPMs
for that are in rawhide, which is where I updated from (freshrpms site)

I also ran up2date afterwards, with the new sources file and there
were no packages to update.

Can some kind soul send me a good /etc/yum.conf file please?

At the moment I'm using:

name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - $basearch - os

name=Red Hat Linux $releasever - $basearch - updates

This is probably wrong I admit.
What is a valid syntax for getting [os] from the Aachen repository?

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