please use BitTorrent

Tristan Fillmore tfillmore at
Thu Nov 6 01:04:21 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 15:55, Peter Eddy wrote:
> I really like the idea of bittorrent, 
> especially helping out with bandwidth, but when I have to choose between 
> 15 hour downloads (bittorrent's estimate) and 30 minutes (ncftp's 
> estimate), there's not much to ponder.

That does seem low.  I generally can max out the download rate of my T1
with bittorrent.  If you use a firewall, you might consider making an
exception for TCP ports 6881 through 6890 or so, as being able to
receive incoming connections can greatly improve bittorrent rates. 
Also, keep in mind that a bittorrent transfer accelerates as you
gradually gain additional peers.  Finally, some bittorrent trackers
reward generous uploaders with additional/better download peers, so
allowing incoming connections and a generous --max_upload_rate can help
you get faster downloading on those trackers.


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