
Christopher Blizzard blizzard at
Fri Nov 7 16:58:34 UTC 2003

Mike Chambers wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 18:23, Satish Balay wrote:
>>I have the following in my /etc/yum.conf for mozilla-1.5. However
>>using this would mean - uninstall of epiphany /other things that
>>depend on mozilla-1.4.
> Thanks, worked great!  Except like you mentioned, 1.5 was there but no
> 1.6a yet (maybe someone from Red Hat is the one that packages it and
> leaves it there until setup on their own servers).

Yeah, I haven't packaged it up yet.  Part of the problem is that if I 
put 1.6a in that directory then people will never see an upgrade to 1.6 
since 1.6a > 1.6 rpm's little mind.  I wish there was a way to tell it 
that a specific version was newer than a specific previous version. 
Something like:

NewerThan: 1.6a

Like Obsoletes, but with versions. :)


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