No Full Control Install!

Ben Russo ben at
Sun Nov 9 16:58:23 UTC 2003

David C. Hart wrote:

>On Sat, 2003-11-08 at 11:29, Homer Parker wrote:
>>>*IF they do decide to make the installer more powerfull, I hope it is 
>>>with a 'hidden' option,
>>>that is not displayed on the screen.  (some boot-up option like "linux 
>>>expert" )
>>	That would be way acceptable ;)
>The problem continues AFTER an upgrade. I am finding it very difficult
>to locate and install what wasn't upgraded like fsh, yum and just about
>anything else that is new. In fact - at least for me - you don't know
>what you don't know.
>I ended up doing a clean install on a test machine. 
>BTW, what's the deal with Sendmail? Install is extremely persistent
>about installing Sendmail whether you want it or not.
>Just to put in perspective though, Fedora is a fantastic distribution.
>This is but a minor annoyance.

rpm -qa | sort > installed.pkgs
up2date --showall | sort > core.pkgs

diff installed.pkgs core.pkgs  > diff.pkgs

vi diff.pkgs 

It should be pretty apparent what isn't part of Fedora Core.

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