'Symbol' font in OpenOffice.org does not work

Mikko Huhtala mhuhtala at abo.fi
Sat Nov 15 10:40:29 UTC 2003

William John Murray writes:
 >     I enclose the file...does it have two Roman lines and then the 3 
 > lines of greek, alpha
 > to epsilon?

I cannot get at the Fedora box right now, but I tried with OOo 1.1.0
on Red Hat 9. OOo is installed from the OOo distribution package, not
a RPM. I get (in this order)

- one Roman line that reads "Hello there all you people"

- two lines of squares that claim to be 'Open Symbol'

- one line with correctly rendered 'Open Symbol' Greek letters alpha
  beta gamma delta epsilon

- one line of invisible characters in 'Standard Symbol'

- one line with correctly rendered 'Symbol' Greek letters alpha beta
  gamma delta epsilon

I exported the file to a PDF and Acrobat Reader shows the first line
"Hello..." and one line of greek letters (presumably 'Symbol') and
everything else is invisible. I.e. compared to OOo window, the squares
and one line of greek letters have disappeared. This is getting
strange. What version of OOo and Red Hat/Fedora did you use to write
the file?

I'll try on Fedora when I get at that machine, but I expect it to do
worse than RH9.

I have also found that making 'Symbol' Greek letters bold type
converts them from lower to upper case, which is also a major pain in
the fundament.


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