Package Management: Error installing packages!

Jim Cornette redhat-jc at
Mon Nov 17 04:21:30 UTC 2003

A.J. Bonnema wrote:
> shrek-m at wrote:
>> # rpm -Fvh 
> How come this one isn't in the regular update directory yet? Does it 
> still have issues?
> Guus.

I have wondered how the program ended up in test, instead of updates, 
myself. The first rpm was faulty, but passed QA. The second version 
works, but is not QAed, therefore, not in updates.

I understand it from a managerial aspect and from a quality standpoint. 
However, QA processing for this feature improvement should be more 

Since this program runs as root user and could possibly trash your 
system. I can understand the testing location from a practical 
standpoint, after typing this response.

 From those that have installed programs with the updated version, is 
everything still normal with your systems?


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