yum up2date

Keith G. Robertson-Turner redhat-forums at genesis-x.nildram.co.uk
Mon Nov 17 05:41:32 UTC 2003

steven rosen wrote:
> I want to know how to get Yum installed so I can get automatic updates
> w/ all dependant files. Is there a tutorial or basic instructions in
> general terms showing what files or rpms I need to get for Yum and how
> to install them so that I click an icon and get everything updated.

Yum itself doesn't have a GUI, but up2date (which can now use YUM and
APT repos) does. If you want buttons to click, you'll need to stick with
up2date and rhn-applet - or get apt and synaptic (or use both, like me).

As far as "automatic" is concerned, depends what you mean.

If you mean "system fully updated in the background without any user
intervention" - that's maybe not a wise move. As I've discovered,
certain updates (mainly non-core stuff from dag, livna etc) can
sometimes be broken and screw things up.

If you just mean "a flashing icon on the panel, telling you when updates
are available", well that's what rhn-applet is for.

> I've checked Google, this mailing list and the Red Hat usenet group
> but everything assumes that Yum is installed and running. There is no
> man page for Yum.


Is yum installed?
rpm -q yum

Is it broken?
rpm -Vv yum #ignore warnings about the conf file

man yum
yum(8)	yum(8)
	yum - Yellowdog Updater Modified
	yum [options] [command] [package ...]

If you mean that you want to read about it *before* installing it, then
read this: http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/

The version I installed also set up a cron.daily to do auto-updating,
but I rm'd it (rather make my own decisions thanks).

You'll need to change the core updates entries for both rhn and yum
sources, as they are currently broken.

/etc/yum.conf should have entries like this:

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Base

(note the difference between the path shown and your original)

Similarly, /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources should contain entries like:

yum fedora-core-1

(note: up2date doesn't seem to work with the $releasever variable just
now - unless you export it, I suppose ... oops just tried that - no

The way I play it, is I use up2date (never touch yum) for core releases
and updates, and I use apt (via synaptic) for exploring 3rd party extras
and alternatives from "bleeding edge" repos. That way I don't get a
flashing red icon every time Joe Bloggs releases a beta.

Meanwhile, if you want to play with alternative package management on
your RH9 box, save this as "blu.sh":

#!/bin/bash# ©2003 Script Kiddies 'R' us
wget $Fr$Yum $Fr$Apt $Fr$Synaptic
rpm -Uvh $Fr$Yum $Fr$Apt $Fr$Synaptic
echo "$HOSTNAME sticks its tongue out at"
echo "$USER in a daring act of defiance."
exit 0

then do:

sh blu.sh

Have fun,


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