
Peter Backlund peter.backlund at home.se
Sun Nov 16 16:12:15 UTC 2003

> mainly because i love the XD2 interface and enhancements to gnome.

People who like the Industrial meta-theme might be interested in
tracking this: https://bugzilla.fedora.us/show_bug.cgi?id=994

It's basically the Ximian artwork, minus all Ximian logos. It's in QA
right now, but you can grab the src.rpm and rebuild/install if you want.
Please report any problems to bugzilla :-)

If anyone has any input on the legality of redistributing this, please
make yourself heard. I've asked around in #gnome, and got a few positive
answers, but my mail to Ximian hasn't been answered for more than a
month. The code is GPL, and my impression after reading the trademark
info on ximian.com is that it's ok to redistribute everything but the
Ximian logos.


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