Yum is not an .rpm package error message

BFD bfd at pcisys.net
Tue Nov 18 14:23:14 UTC 2003

Tom Mitchell wrote:

>The web download and the disc versions look exactly the same to me.
> $ md5sum /mnt/cdrom/Fedora/RPMS/yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm /tmp/yum*
> dd4249018c1674b73e9ddab08828303f  /mnt/cdrom/Fedora/RPMS/yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
> dd4249018c1674b73e9ddab08828303f  /tmp/yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
> $ sum /mnt/cdrom/Fedora/RPMS/yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm /tmp/yum*
> 29472   127 /mnt/cdrom/Fedora/RPMS/yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
> 29472   127 /tmp/yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
>Did you save the bad file.  If so how does it compare with
>the above and with the version on your disc.  

For the file from my Fedora cd:

$md5sum yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
dd4249018c1674b73e9ddab08828303f  yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
$sum yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
29472   127

For the file I downloaded
$md5sum yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
8a82c3f05fca0a615d1765394376f809  yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
$sum yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm
47550   127

>By chance does the file contain something like an HTML message that says try 
>later?  Look at the bad file with 'file' and with 'less'.
The file command shows type data. Less shows "yum-2.0.4-2.noarch.rpm: 
not an rpm package (or package manifest):"

I suspect that the repository file is corrupt, as I've installed the one 
off my Fedora CD and it works as it should.


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