
Jorge L.Martin C. explorer at
Wed Nov 19 21:57:22 UTC 2003

--What I need--
I can suspend with apm -s as root, how can I suspend as user?

--The History--
Hi guys, I have a Toshina Satellite Pro 6100 with Fedora, I never try to
suspend it on linux 'couse I always think it's not gonna work, but
someday I forget to plug it to the power and it goes to suspend mode
after 1% on battery so I realize that my computer can suspend on linux,
now I read the apm manpage and see the command apm -s and it work great
so now I want to use suspend so I don't have to shutdown my computer
anymore, my problem now is that I have to be root to execute this
command and that is boring (changing to root everytime I want to
suspend), anyone knows how to suspend my computer being user? I can be
done 'couse I can halt -p as user.


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