Where does redhat-config-printer keep its printer data?

Christians, Stefan Mr. software at kkalice.com
Mon Nov 24 13:57:22 UTC 2003

When I add printers from the command line with lpadmin, the result is a
ppd file in /etc/cups/ppd as well as an entry in

The gnome-print-manager displays the new printer, on the local as well
as on remote machines, which shows that CUPS is working beautifully.

However, when I run redhat-config-printer on the local machine, it does
not list the new printer. (redhat-config-printer on remote machines
lists the new printer correctly under browsed queues).

This makes me suspect that redhat-config-printer stores configuration
information separately from cups. Does anybody know where that is?


K.K. Alice
S. Christians

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