Fedora files bad

Alexandre Strube surak at surak.eti.br
Thu Nov 27 14:01:23 UTC 2003

Em Qua, 2003-11-26 às 19:24, Kelson Vibber escreveu:

> OK, this should be obvious, but if the MD5 sum on the RPM is bad, *don't 
> install it!*  It means something got corrupted in the 
> download/burn/copy/etc. and you have a damaged file which, in all 
> likelihood, will *not* work!  It's practically impossible to build an RPM 
> with an invalid md5sum, since it's calculated as part of the build process.

A preety dumb question: if you bzip2 a .iso file and bunzips it again,
will it be corrupted? Yesterday my fedora cd#3 got bad (of course I've
discovered it when it was its time to install already, so the old rh8
was gone), and I bzip2'ed a iso from my home computer, and downloaded
it.. The .bz2 file went to 16 megabytes(!), and my cd3 was gone.

I ignored it, rebooted and almost everything was fine. Just some
duplicated packages, some old rpms which was quickly updated, and I did
a 3-cd install with only 2 :-P


Alexandre Ganso 
500 FOUR vermelha - Diretor Steel Goose Moto Group

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