Fedora and the System Administrator -- are my assumptions on SuSE incorrect?

Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ieee.org
Thu Oct 2 22:09:00 UTC 2003

Quoting Buck <RHList at towncorp.net>:
> For me, SuSE is more affordable, has long term maintenance and an
> option for a long term stable product compatible with the rest.
> For $50 ($10 less than the Red Hat Network) I get an original disc,
> I can copy and distribute it for free, and I can install it on all
> the computers I desire.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa ... wait a second!  Now I understand my query here on a Red 
Hat list about SuSE might not be appropriate, but I'm going to go ahead and 
make it -- prompting for any corrections to my assumptions.

I am currently very much under the belief that SuSE CDs (at least through 8.x) 
are very much _not_ redistributable!  Yes, you can pull down 
a "redistributable" version via packages from the Internet, but I have _never_ 
seen a SuSE CD (or CD image) that wasn't either a "commercial shrink wrap" for 
a single (or finite number of) system, or an "evaluation."

SuSE's distro relies on non-100% redistributable components.  Now you _may_ be 
able to install it on a number of systems with your purchase, but that is also 
the case with Sun StarOffice as well -- you can_not_ simply "redistribute" it 

Am I mistaken on SuSE???

Bryan J. Smith, E.I.  mailto:b.j.smith at ieee.org  http://thebs.org
There is no greater ignorance than the popular American environ-
mental movement, which focuses on the most useless details.  Be it
recycling the world's most renewable resource or refusal to use
proven CFC insulation on launch vehicles, no lives will be spared
in the further pursuit of, ironically, harming the environment.

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