mp3 help...

James Keasley jamesk at
Fri Oct 24 22:02:48 UTC 2003

On Fri, 2003-10-24 at 22:39, Chris Adams wrote:
> Once upon a time, Ricky Boone <whiplash at> said:
> > Why exactly is this still an issue?  Since Fedora is not a Red Hat
> > product, only a Red Hat sponsered project, these copyright issues
> > shouldn't concern them anymore.
> It isn't a copyright issue, it is a patent infringement issue, and
> anyone that distributes infringing software can be sued.  This means Red
> Hat (as the primary distributor) as well as all the Red Hat mirrors
> could be sued for distributing unlicensed MP3 software if MP3 software
> was included in the distribution.

Aa I understand it, the only time when distributing MP3 codecs is an
issue is if they are part of a product that is being sold, if, like XMMS
and winamp the product is distributed for free then there is no problem
with including MP3 functionality, so while there is some ambiguity
whether Red Hat could include MP3 players Fedora shouldn't have a
problem, I could be wrong though  


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