The more I read the confuser I get.

David Jericho davidj at
Thu Oct 30 23:55:06 UTC 2003

Sean Middleditch wrote:
> Because the value of Linux is far more than just being free.  Linux is
> great technology, and Red Hat is well supported great technology.  If
> your only use for an OS is it being no cost, you can't be doing much
> that's actually important.  ;-)  Of course, if low/no cost *is* vital to
> you, then use Fedora, not RHEL.

I'm a old Red Hat fan from way back, but I must admit to feeling lost at 
the moment with it. I've bought boxed sets for nearly every version 
since 3.0.3, and have worked to subscribe clients to RHN or RHEL when 
required. I try to play the Bugzilla game as well. I try to be loyal.

I'll also mention that I'm speaking for myself in a professional sense, 
and most definitely not my employer.

Horizontal spreading of services has been an often used method for 
spreading the risk around a machine room. That is, putting your mail 
server on one machine, and your web server on another.

I support machines for an office of developers, this means I'm not 
making increased revenue with each extra machine I install. What I am 
interested in is quality assurance and consistency on security updates, 
and that one machine going down doesn't take out all the office services.

24x7 support doesn't solve this issue, especially with the specified 
support turn around times. I could quite potentially burn the cost of a 
license with idle developers in the time it takes for Red Hat to return 
my phone call.

I have no objection to paying for software, and I believe Red Hat is 
worth decent money. Having said that, a yearly subscription is hostile, 
not to mention a licensing agreement that is hostile and untrusting, 
followed by a pricing structure that appears to be the sum process of 
taking the USD value and applying an exchange rate. I know of admins who 
are requesting things like site licenses, money in hand, and are getting 
brushed off by sales reps.

Attitudes like "If you can't afford it, it mustn't be a real task" only 
shows lack of understanding what business in the real world is like. I 
cannot rationally burn up the annual salary for a junior programmer on 
recurring subscription licenses for 10 development boxes that may sit 
unused for a month at a time.

The sad thing I have to admit, is as a sane, professional, and rational 
admin who has my, my users, and my employers interests at heart, 64-bit 
Sun hardware and Solaris looks to be an attractive proposition. At least 
it's not a bottomless money pit for services I won't use.

David Jericho

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