Thierry Sayegh linux at
Sat Apr 3 09:24:54 UTC 2004

Res wrote:

>is there a trick to the old cp -a blah blah dirs /newdisk
>then install lilo from CD, to hard drive upgrades with grub... all we do
>with lilo work fine, but seeing as RH seem to not even offer you the
>choice to use the most commonly used bootloader around anymore, wonder what
>other ppls experiences have been in doing disk upgrades with grub, our
>first attempt failed dismally, gave up after 2 hours, when we use the lilo
>boxes ( RH9 as it was upgrades to 9 and never a clean install ) and
>slackware boxes we can do in 20 mins, and 18 of those 20 is the cp -a :)
Can't help you with your request but you might be better off not 
hijacking a thread
since other people sorting their e-mails by thread won't even see your 
as it will be nested in the <Tripwire and Virus scan> discussion

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