Res, PLEASE go away! (was: Re: GUMBY GRUB)

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Sun Apr 4 07:06:31 UTC 2004

At 18:09 4/3/2004, you wrote:
>listen you abusive cockhead, yes i got your pvt email as well..i started
>this thread so you blow it out your ass fuckwit


You've shown extremely unprofessional conduct in the past. I never see you 
helping anyone (even searched the archives for examples and came up dry), 
and sometimes when you ask questions you're so busy cussing at Fedora, Red 
Hat, and everyone nearby that you refuse to be helped. You refuse to listen 
to reason or logic, and your lack of netiquette is only exceeded by your 
overall lack of maturity and civilization. You add no signal whatsoever... 
just lots and lots of noise.

It frightens me that you (per your previous posts) are allowed to actually 
run a network for an Internet Service Provider, and I frankly pity your 
customers. I consider myself to be a highly-tolerant human being, but you 
are apparently beyond whatever help this forum (or one like it) can 
provide. I give up. I'm CC'ing this email to fedora-list-owner in the hopes 
that you will be forcefully unsubscribed (a symbolic and temporary measure, 
of course, even if it succeeds).

Perhaps more effectively, I'm going to beg other members of this community 
to treat you like the undesirable I've come to consider you, and simply to 
ignore your posts in the hope that you'll someday bless us with your 
disdain and *finally* move to another distro so someone else gets to deal 
with you. I, am done. Let someone else put up with your idiocies.


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at

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