Installation of the latest release

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at
Sun Apr 4 22:20:46 UTC 2004

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 08:15:58 +1000, "Naron" <naron at> wrote:

>Hi all,
>This question may have been asked many times but I have just subscribed and need some advice.
>Have downloaded the version of Fedora released about a week ago, confirmed the images and burnt them to cd.  They do not boot however on startup of my machine.  As I am hanging out to see the product I was wondering if anyone knew of a FAQ that could help me.  I have had a look at the download section on the official website and it does not appear to help.  Am happy to answer any questions that I may.
>Also, if this has been asked 15000 times before, please email me direct with any advice as I dont want to waste peoples time with the same old stuff.  I would go searching for answers but have to head off to work and want to be part of it all as soon as possible.
>Thanks all

How did you burn the file? What software did you use?

If you're doing it on a Linux system, see


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