Controlling where an application's new child window is created...

Brian Anderson bikehead at
Mon Apr 5 18:29:34 UTC 2004

I'm using FC1 with gnome essentially 'out-of-the-box'.  Is there a way 
to keep new windows created by an application in the same workspace 
window as the parent?  For example, when I push the scan button on Xsane 
and then switch to a new workspace to do something else because it takes 
a long time, it puts the new scan window right over  what I'm working 
on.  I'd rather it put the new window on the workspace of the parent so 
as not to interrupt what I'm doing.  Then when I'm ready I would switch 
workspaces over to where the Xsane application is.

I'd like the solution to be application independent if possible, since 
I'd like the same thing for things like eclipse and such.

Thank you for any advice,


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