MP3s and Linux [ogg format]

Daniel Stonier snorri_dj at
Tue Apr 6 04:32:31 UTC 2004

On Mon, 05 Apr 2004 20:28:16 -0400, Kc2LTO - Andrew Ragone 
<spdemon6 at> wrote:

> Wouldn't the sound quality be much worse after coverting mp3 to ogg?

I've converted the few mp3's I originally had...there might be some 
but none that I can notice by ear. It could be that the script identifies
all the information in an mp3 file and just translates that just as you 
translate a book. If it does this there'd be next to no degradation at all.


> And of course, to those that already have lots of mp3's and would like
> to convert them all to ogg, there's a script on this page that will do
> it for you. I've tested it, and so far it works quite well.
> dex

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