wget lot of files

Jeff Vian jvian10 at charter.net
Tue Apr 6 22:03:53 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

>Am Di, den 06.04.2004 schrieb Jeff Vian um 22:51:
>>>To your 'problem': wget ftp://server_address/path/dir/*.rpm
>>>See "man wget" and "wget --help".
>>And to get the entire directory tree from a single point use
>>      # wget -r ftp://server_address/path/dir
>Jeff, that is certainly right. I only was careful not to mention the
>"-r" switch :) It is advised to use the "-l" switch in combination with
>My answer was especial for an FTP server source and will not fit for
>HTTP servers.
I agree, but for ftp you only have the depth of the filesystem structure 
to consider. This is useful, for example, when mirroring a site.  I use 
it this way regularly and with a careful look at the amount to be 
downloaded it works well.

With http you most certainly would want the "-l" option to prevent an 
enourmous tree spanning (potentially) the entire internet since 
recursion on a web page would follow ALL links.  


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