Fedora mount a corrupted Win Fat32 (vfat) file system

Chadley Wilson chadley at pinteq.co.za
Wed Apr 7 22:40:59 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 00:24, Guolin Cheng wrote:
> Hi, Chadley,
>  Thanks a lot. No sorry at all. Your suggestions are good as well. 
>  Thanks.
>  --Guolin Cheng

Guolin it a pleasure to help, 
What I am doing for U right now is trying to get another win98 fat32
drive hooked up to the USB unit. and see if I can create an image of it
and mount it. I am using the USB and not the IDE simply because I have a
competition going on on my side with some guys running XPlease to see
whos system will last the longest with out a reboot.
I am winning, obviously, but I don't wish to kill my up-time by

I will post you the neccesary info/steps of my success, that is if it is
successful the second time round.

My uptime is at a staggering
00:38:04  up 22 days,  2:27,  3 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.03, 0.01
I think that all the other competitors have rebooted a few times by now.
The XPlease boxes seem to last about 2 days.

Cheers for now

Chadley - Linux Rocks
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