Some problems getting started

Adam Cooper adam.cooper at
Thu Apr 8 08:24:51 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 21:56, duncan brown wrote:
> well, the big drawback to redcarpet is all they're really doing is mirroring redhat's fedora packages, not really adding anything to the mix.  (now, if there was ximian desktop with redcarpet, then i'd listen =])  so, what this equates to the user (but not technically) is a gui yum.
> if you install apt/synaptic, then you have the added advantage of getting all of the extra packages that other people have created for redhat.

If you go to they give instructions on how to add
extra repositories to the list. They cover most of the good ones. i.e.
DAG Livina fresh. Pretty much any of them actually.

I find that it's a more polished program then synaptic. Though it
functions in pretty much the same way. So IMO it's better overall.


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