Problem with DHCP, /etc/hosts and GNOME

Keven Ring keven at
Thu Apr 8 20:15:11 UTC 2004

William Hooper wrote:

>Satish Balay said:
>>Ah.. I interptered it as - an option to dhcp-clinet (not server) to
>>ignore what dhcp server says - and use the provided value as the
>>hostname. Perhpas there should be some other option for this
>>functionality? (RFE)
>>I don't like hostname changing (when you move laptop between networks)
>>- this changes xauth which messes up everything else..
>A quick browse through the networking scripts suggests that the hostname
>will only change if it is "localhost".  I haven't looked too hard though. 
>I know that I don't have a problem with my laptop, which I set the
>hostname on during install (but that was with RHL 9 and an upgrade to
>FC1).  It may be more of a case of the DHCP servers I'm using not trying
>to change the hostname, though.
It's in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/network-functions script.  
There is a function called need_hostname().

Returns 0 if the current hostname is "localhost", 
"localhost.localdomain" or "(none)".  Returns 1 otherwise.  This 
function is called in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup script.  
However, again, just like everything else, just because the DHCP client 
*requests* a hostname, does not mean that the DHCP server is obliged to 
hand one back...


Keven Ring               | "Oh no,  Not Again..."
The MITRE Corporation    |   Bowl of Petunias -
7515 Colshire Drive      |   The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
McLean VA 22102-7508     |
PH: (703)883-7026        |

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