A choice?

Mark A. Hoover mahoover at ispaceonline.org
Fri Apr 9 22:07:23 UTC 2004

 > From: Ben Steeves <bcs at metacon.ca>
 > I would argue that both your examples (Lilo and an fdisk button) fall
 > into the category of being needlessly redundant.  An expert -- the
 > only kind of person who would appreciate the choice -- can choose for
 > themselves if they want to use lilo (admittedly, only after the
 > install) or fdisk (what difference does a button that switches to a
 > console or a key-press sequence make, really?)

So put them on the custom install screen.  Only the experts are likely
to choose that choice anyway.  As for needlessly redundant, how many 
different news and mail readers come on the Fedora disks?  How many 
audio players?  Why do we need both KDE and Gnome?  They're both 
windowing environments.

As for fdisk, nowhere in the install notes does it say this can be done. 
  Granted, anybody who realizes that the installer sits on top of what 
is basically a rescuse disk may have thought about the possibility of 
fdisk being there.  And admittedly, it's a whole lot easier if the 
installer installs lilo.  Not only does that mean there's an RPM for it 
and one that gets updated, but you don't have to go through the trouble 
of ripping out Grub and making sure lilo replaces it properly.

Have Fun, Suffer and Survive, or Get Lost in the Net!

Mark Hoover
mahoover at ispaceonline.org

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