RH rips again Was: extend EOL for Red Hat Linux 9?

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Mon Apr 12 15:24:16 UTC 2004

At 08:36 4/12/2004, you wrote:
>When RHL 9 came out does not deminish the fact that they automaticaly 
>renewed my
>RHN subscription on a product they had no intention of supporting to the 
>end of my

But they've compensated you with what I think is something better: until 
your subscription expires, you'll have access to the Enterprise channels. 
So you get essentially a free upgrade to the Enterprise line. Whether or 
not you agree, it is at least clear that Red Hat attempted to compensate 
you (with something that they consider even better than what you already 
had) and did not try to "rip you off."

If you do prefer RHPWS, I saw it at Staples for around $55, which is 
actually *less* than the cost of one year of up2date. And since you have 
Enterprise access until October and PWS == RHEL-WS, you might simply want 
to upgrade to WS 3.0, use up2date until October, then buy a box of PWS. 
Seems to be a pretty good upgrade path, and costs you nothing now and $55 
(or so) in October.

I could understand it if you don't *like* this upgrade path, but I hardly 
think it qualifies as RH ripping you off.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at simpaticus.com

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