A curse on LABEL=

James Ralston qralston+ml.redhat-fedora at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Apr 13 08:50:26 UTC 2004

On 2004-04-09 at 12:07:19-0400 William Hooper <whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Try adding a new SCSI controller to a system that moves all existing
> SCSI devices.  You will like LABEL then.

No, I won't, because if I forgot to update my /etc/fstab file after I
moved things around, my swap partitions won't be where they used to
be, and unless I'm watching the console and see that swapon failed, I
might not remember to fix them.

I'd rather something that's not quite figured right fail immediately,
so I know to fix it, instead of trying to limp on in the face of my
forgetfulness and thus causing problems later.


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