RH rips again Was: extend EOL for Red Hat Linux 9?

Luc Bouchard luc at luker.on.ca
Wed Apr 14 02:08:19 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 21:29, William Hooper wrote:
> The decision to move to Fedora was made betweeen the first and second
> Severn betas.  Most likely (judging from people's reactions to testing
> Fedora) before "RH 10" was on anyone's radar.

I'm not so sure the masses were up to speed on this one.  I distinctly
remember having been on RH9 for a few months when I got blindsided by
the decision to discontinue RHL. (Well blindsided may be a bit strong). 
I was able to quickly get the lowdown and get past it, however I was
having discussions with people who were running RH9 on home/hobbyist
type system for several weeks after the announcement.  So either
communications from RH were not up to snuff during the betas or the
marketing crew did not get into gear till after RH9 hit the streets.

Still, who cares, we now have a great community product and RH has a
great enterprise offering.  Toss in Fedora Legacy support and it's all
good in my world.

Luc Bouchard

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