question about security

Dennis Calhoun dcalhoun at
Sat Apr 17 06:16:49 UTC 2004

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 07:42:31 +0100, you wrote:

>I have a security problem, normally I only bothe about the firewall, but 
>with SILUNIX (or something like that, I don't know the name, I am now on 
>windows, because I don't get anything done now). 
>"redhat-config-security" only give me the standart firewall thing.
>Thus I get audits all over head and feel like Philips in China instead 
>as Phillips in the panhandle, rmk. 2 is less then 3.

Hi Vink,

Maybe a program like Firestarter would help you with this.

Dennis C.

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