DSL Tweaking

Martin Stone martin.stone at db.com
Mon Apr 19 16:07:51 UTC 2004

Sorry if I was harsh - but I was referring to your single-word "No." post.  Why 
would you post that?  What you write here is much more helpful.  As for my own 
experience, like I said, I don't have any personally with Linux/Fedora, but I 
know that I was able to get an improvement on a similar OS, and I know that 
others have reported that improvements were possible under Linux.  So I gave him 
info and pointers that I thought would help him investigate what he wanted to 
know, rather than a one-word "shut up" answer.

Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am Mo, den 19.04.2004 schrieb Martin Stone um 17:04:
>>Wow, there's a candidate for the Most Pointless Response Award...
> Then please feed me and and the others with real data - on Linux /
> Fedora! - for comparison between default TCP values and after
> "tweaking"!
> I once did a research for DSL performance - whatever is meant by that:
> throughput or latency or what else? - and did my own tests. The
> conclusion from what I got by internet research (unfortunately I can not
> quickly find the testing again where the TCP value setting were checked)
> and by own tests was: does not change anything.
> In contrast in an ethernet network TCP values have a bigger influence
> and respecting the specific environment and the services running it
> might influence speed and reliability of network connections to change
> kernel TCP stack parameters.
> but for DSL home users it is worthless to fiddle with these things.
> There is even a risk to make things worse. A DSL user should better
> check whether traffic shaping make sense (keyword: wondershaper).
> Alexander

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