yum update 2179 kernel

John Fleming john at wa9als.com
Mon Apr 19 20:53:01 UTC 2004

> suggest update webmin under webmin configuration module, it's under
> "Hardware"

OK, I do have the GRUB module for WebMin.  When I click it, it says GRUB is
not installed.  That is consistent with yum saying it couldn't find a boot
loader and my not finding a /boot/grub.conf file.  However, I know Grub was
installed when I did the initial FC1 install, AND

1.  When I reboot, I get the graphical screen that says GRUB 0.83, and a
choice of 2 kernels, 2115 and 2174.

So why does it think that grub is not installed - Did the conf file just
disappear?  Do you think I should go ahead and use Webmin's grub install?

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