Using "find" in a script..

WipeOut wipe_out at
Tue Apr 20 14:51:08 UTC 2004


I am creating a script to do a file backup but I am having isues with 
cleaning out the older backups..

Basically each backup goes into a seperate directory named by date and 
time and I want to remove the directories that are 15 days or more old.. 
there will probably be 3 to 4 backups per day..

The command that should do its is..

find /backups/fcws/ -mtime +15 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -rf {};

The problem is that because there are currently no directories to delete 
I get the error..

find: missing argument to `-exec'

Anyone got any ideas? to avoid this?

Otherwise I am going to have to create an "if" routine to test first if 
there are any to delete and if there are then run the command otherwise 
skip it..


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