yum update 2179 kernel

Andy Green fedora at warmcat.com
Tue Apr 20 16:24:59 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 20 April 2004 15:10, John Fleming wrote:

> OK Andy, I have that
> mount: mount: LABEL=/boot duplicate - not mounted
> So, please tell this newbie -exactly- what to do please.  As I said before,
> I've got some networking things going, but you should assume I know nothing

Well your situation is good, a fix is reasonably simple.

What I did was to edit /etc/fstab, which is basically a list telling Linux 
what to do with filesystems that might be on your various drives.

Here is the kind of thing you will see somewhere in there at the moment:

LABEL=/boot             /boot                   ext3    defaults        1 2

This is telling mount to find a partition labelled with the name 
"/boot" (LABEL=/boot), and mount it at mountpoint /boot, using ext3 

The problem you have is that more than one partitions on drives hooked up to 
your system have got that /boot label tagged onto them, it doesn't know which 
one to use, so it is giving up and mounting nothing at /boot.

- From your partition table, it looks strongly to me like your real boot 
partition is at /dev/hda1.  So all you need to do is edit the /etc/fstab 
about LABEL=/boot to read instead there /dev/hda1

/dev/hda1             /boot                   ext3    defaults        1 2

keep the rest of the file the same.  You'll need to be root when you 
edit /etc/fstab.  Make sure it's right, save, then that's it, reboot.

Tip for easy editing if you don't know vi but are up in X, open a terminal 
window, type

su -
<give the root password>
kedit /etc/fstab

If you're a gnome guy, use gedit instead of kedit.  Then you can edit the file 
very easily as root.

- -Andy

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