X flicker

Colin Charles linux at bytebot.net
Wed Apr 21 14:19:51 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 23:58, Gary Stainburn wrote:

> The first one is that I can't get X to work correctly.  I'm running an Epox 
> EP-3VWM board with onboard graphics, and I'm getting ghosting and flickering, 
> both during bootup and once X has started (init mode 5).
> If I run redhat-config-xfree86 it detects the monitor correctly as a 'Smile 
> CA6748SL', and detects the card as a 'Trident Cyberblade (generic)'.

Can you run up2date/yum and get the latest X packages and see if this
problem disappears?

Also, look at the refresh rate on the LCD monitor - that might be an
issue. And try reducing the resolution from say 1024x768 -> 800x600, or
even try dropping the color depth at 1024x768 (from many millions, to
24bit or something less)

All this will help debug the problem. And if the latest X packages still
bork at you, Bugzilla this
Colin Charles, byte at aeon.com.my

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