Langa bashing (was Re: Problems getting Linux into homes)

Don Levey fedora-list at
Wed Apr 21 16:15:14 UTC 2004

William Hooper wrote:
> bbales said:
>> And I still can't get Realplayer or
>> any
>> sound system to work with Opera 7.23 and RH-9 after three weeks of
>> off and on trying.
> So, to paraphrase, you can't get one third-party product to work with
> another third-party product, and this is the OS's fault?  Pretty bad
> example.

It's an excellent example of real-world application.
The average Joe, when using a computer, doesn't *care* if we're talking
about third-party or not.  All he knows, and cares about, is that the 
sound doesn't work.  In Windows, it works.  Where's he going to go?
Explanations about technical issues, open vs closed-source drivers, 
proprietary exclusive agreements, etc, are all besides the point to 
the person who just wants it to work.

I use MS only when I have to.  I use Fedora almost exclusively at home.
But after more than two years I am still learning how to get the things
I want to function properly.  The perception is that Linux is for geeks
and hackers, and that perception will continue as long as it requires 
a technical person to manage the problems.  Is this strictly Linux's 
fault?  No - but few will really care.


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