DVD Installed: Thank You

Brian Fahrlander brian at fahrlander.net
Thu Apr 22 06:47:08 UTC 2004

    Two and a half years ago, I saw, and wanted, a DVD player on the
computer in my office.  I also lived there, on the premises, in a
trailer that I thought would soon let me retrace the trails of the West
on which my Dad took me, from the time I was 10 days old, until I was
16.  He's been gone 21 years now, and I miss him.

    But Mom, 73, took a fall and had a stroke, too.  It looked like the
conversion I promised was over, the terrorists might strike Chicago, and
I was really tired from the ratrace and needed some downtime.  I moved
back to Evansville, IN, to 'circle the wagons' and wait for a minimum
wage job to appear.

    Since that time, or just before, the IT industry has imploded, and
there's far too little work for so many people, and I've left the
business after 27 years.  But that doesn't mean I'm leaving Linux.

    I just watched one of my favorite shows, 'The Long Kiss Goodnight'
with Gina Davis and Sam Jackson, right here on my little ole' Athlon
1200.  Same machine I left Chicago with.  Until very recently I've been
broke, but tonight with a $30 Sony DVD player and a software folks have
fought to make what it is today: mplayer, Xine, Ogle, and all those
other ones that work so well, with no setup whatsoever.

    I just wanted someone to know that all these petty arguments,
debates, and choices are worth the effort.  Every one of these programs
have been able to show me various aspects of an off-the-shelf DVD
player, without a single hitch.  And with only one shutdown- the one to
install the drive!

    Thanks so much for believing in what you do so much that you're
willing to complain, to press the arguments, and to fight on to make
Fedora, and Linux in general, the wonderful piece of software it is
today, and the better software than ever, tomorrow.

    Thank you.

Brian Fahrländer                  Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN                                 http://www.fahrlander.net 
ICQ 5119262
AIM: WheelDweller
angegangen, Schlange-Hüften, sein es ganz rüber jetzt. Bügel innen fest,
weil es eine lange, süsse Fahrt ist. 
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