Creating a bare minimum menu FC1/KDE

ne... akabi at
Thu Apr 22 12:31:55 UTC 2004

On Apr 21, 2004 at 21:55, Darkhalf in a soothing rage wrote:

>Hello all,
>I need some help with FC1 specifically the way FC1 combines a system 
>wide application entry with KDE menus. 
>I have a friend who is setting up several FC1 machines for a local 
>school.  All the machines will have the default workstation install of 
>FC1.  All will be using KDE as the default desktop environment, and here 
>is where we need help.  Each machine will have at a minimum two users, 
>for now let's just say, "teacher" and "student".  He wants to customize 
>the menu for each user.  Actually he needs to create a default menu 
>template that will allow him to give less access to applications from 
>the KDE menu for the student users.  He needs/wants to do this without 
>editing the menu on each machine using "Edit K Menu" option from within 
>KDEs Control Center.
Head over to and under the
'Dedicated lists', look for the kde-kiosk list. This should
help you a whole lot in what you want to achieve.

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