Logs and how to read them

Alexander Dalloz alexander.dalloz at uni-bielefeld.de
Thu Apr 22 18:02:40 UTC 2004

Am Do, den 22.04.2004 schrieb Mike Rambour um 19:40:

> >This is mostly correct. If all those users are supposed to use your SMTP 
> >server, then set up your firewall accordingly. I do not suggest blocking 
> >25 outbound, but rather *redirecting* tcp/25 to your mail server. That 
> >way, *any* attempts to connect to an SMTP server will be redirected to 
> >yours. And if one of your Windows users does have a worm, it'll be unable 
> >to talk to the outside but you will see it's attempts in your
>    what a great idea... and the shorewall one that you suggested in the 
> next message also...I wanted to learn on my own without GUI's but I have 
> been reading the website shorewall and it seems to just do it so easily, I 
> will try it first thing after lunch today.

Yes, what Rodolfo recommended is one elementary thing you do with
firewalling. Not just to protect against connections from outside the
own LAN but too to restrict and bind the inner hosts on specific
services and to limit unwanted usage. This is certainly especially the
case if you have a shepherd of Windows[tm] machines in the area.

>    By the way my ISP says I have not sent SPAM out since Monday and they 
> only received 3 complaints total over the weekend so I think I am ok. 
> Concerned because i could not track down how it was done but ok, Thanks for 
> all the help...I am sure I will ask more later.

Hm, 3 SPAM abuses during weekend? That are certainly 3 too much,
especially if they were from independent reporters. But of course abuse
messages are often sent by people having too less knowledge - here in
Germany the big freemail services like GMX or Web.de each day get many
complaints by people got hit by the actual worms which are just faking
their sender address. So the ISP always has to check the abuse with
valid data like from the full (SPAM) mail header. Else a complaint is
just hot air.

>   I never knew my old job here was so boring until I "volunteered army 
> style" 3 weeks ago for this one, now I learn something new every hour and 
> go home feeling frustrated and like I accomplished something.

Hehe, you already feel the "Jedi" power running through your veins? And
yes, each Jedis once had to train and started submassive and with high
respect for their future tasks :)


Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 1 (Yarrow) on Athlon CPU kernel 2.4.22-1.2179.nptl
Sirendipity 19:49:34 up 4 days, 2:35, load average: 0.29, 0.40, 0.26 
                   [ Γνωθι σ'αυτον - gnothi seauton ]
             my life is a planetarium - and you are the stars
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