mirroring apt repository questions

duncan brown duncanbrown at linuxadvocate.net
Mon Apr 26 21:10:22 UTC 2004

this weekend i set up my own apt repository at home that mirror's the
redhat and fedora.us repositories... now, i wanted to add 3rd parties
(atrpms/freshrpms/dag/newrpms) to my library, but i did NOT want to allow
them to supply me with rpms already given to me via redhat/fedora.us to
prevent issues like guy's having (gdm and mozilla broken).  so, my
question is, how would i go about this?

here's what i have so far (script is called apt-mirror):

apt-mirror goes through these steps:
 ftpcopy pulls the rpms from the trusted sites
 rpm queries all of the trusted rpms for their package name (--queryformat
 take the output from the rpm query and prepend an -x between each package
 append a -* to the package name
 now i take that line and i'm going to pass it to ftpcopy
   this tells ftpcopy to ignore all files with this pattern

 the big problem i see (i havn't tested it yet) is that there are about
2,000 packages between base and extras, i don't think that bash can take
a command line that huge.

  is there already a tool that does what i want apt-mirror to do, or am i
going to have to invent the wheel?  i mean, i could just grab an ftpls
then do individual connections for each file, but i think that'd just
piss the ftp admin off.


-+(duncan brown
-+(duncanbrown at linuxadvocate.net

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